qsolog is a GNOME-based QSO logging program. It is designed to automatically fetch data from QRZ.com and to export to QRZ.com, eQSL.cc, and LoTW.
Current status
Last commit to master ( badeff5a540cc6940649e7431779fd6aa7936bef
was pushed Wednesday, 30-Oct-2013 22:31:08 EDT
The local database access works, and all QSOs are stored in the database. There's even a commandline program to query it (very rudimentary at the moment) if you're into that. The program is usable, but not where I want it to be. The database fields are currently in flux. I don't anticipate adding more fields, but I don't rule it out until version 1.0.
Notable Working Features
Internal times are all stored in UNIX time, i.e. UTC seconds since the beginning of 1970. The current local time is manipulated, but the UTC time is also displayed. This allows the times to be consistent no matter where you are or where you go.
Working features:
- Saves your callsign and QRZ information (QRZ information not yet used; password is stored in plaintext. I need to change this to use the GNOME keyring)
- Creates an ADIF session log with all contacts in the current working directory
- Enters all log information that you can enter into the dialog into a local sqlite database
- Command-line utility to query the database (very rudimentary right now; it just shows a subset of all of the fields of every row in the DB)
- Previous QSOs with the callsign are displayed when you exit the callsign entry box.
- The [Fetch] button stores the most common information from previous QSOs with the specified callsign (Name, Equipment, Grid, RX power, Mode, Agency Comment, Personal Comment, Local Equipment, and Local Grid).
Getting the source
To get the source to qsolog, use my public git directory:
git clone http://digitasaru.net/git/qsolog.git
Compiling and Installing
To compile, you'll need to run:
mkdir aclocal.m4
autoreconf --install
make install
qsolog requires the following libraries:
- GNU autotools
- gtk+ 2.21 or later
- glib 2.6 or later
- GIO 2.18 or later
- libgda 4.0 or later
- libxml 2.7 or later
Patches are very welcome. If you'd like to contribute in some way, please contact qsolog@nx0q.net to find out how.
If you are unable to contribute code, you can also contribute funds to help me buy gear (ham and computer) using PayPal.
Thank you for your help!
Page last modified Sunday, 05-Feb-2012 21:48:57 EST